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Inclination Reports

Inclination is a vital aspect of healthy pipe networks. The right inclination helps ensure constant flow through the pipe, but an incorrect inclination, even if it is only a fraction of a degree, can lead to build-ups, back-ups, and problems. At Allpipe Technologies, we offer inclination reports that can be used to address a variety of challenges and issues.

How Our Inclination Reports Are Generated

We generate inclination reports through firsthand measurements. Our CCTV units traverse the interior of the pipe or pipes and record inclination data from a built-in sensor. This data is then captured by WinCan software, and written transformed into a usable data file (in graph form). WinCan allows you to visualise the exact inclination of the pipe, compare it to predicted inclination, and more.

Potential Uses for Inclination Reports

Inclination reports can be used in a very wide range of different ways, including determining if the actual inclination matches design specifications, or if it exceeds maximum or minimum inclination requirements as set forth in AS/NZS 3500 (the relevant Australian national standards for pipe inclination/grade).

Inclination reports can also provide a deeper understanding of both turbulent and laminar flow within the pipe and the entire network, and can offer help in determining where flow loss might be occurring. It can aid in determining pump capacities and power requirements, as well as other aspects.

Interested in learning more about our inclination reporting capabilities? We invite you to contact our office today by calling us on (08) 6305 0864 to schedule a same-day appointment.